
Links to Press/ Media

Highlights: Ted Talk Anna Kernahan, Kaitlyn Laverty: Young climate justice activists call for action | TED Talk Article in Teen Vogue/The Guardian about Solo But Not Alone https://www.teenvogue.com/story/youth-climate-strikes-rural-areas/amp On Stephen Nolan’s The Top Table show on BBC One for an episode dedicated to climate change https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000gk75/the-top-table-series-4-18032020 Amnesty Brave Award Article from amnesty.org.uk https://www.amnesty.org.uk/braveawards Wrote anContinue reading "Links to Press/ Media"

Poetry with Anna: Submersion

TW for depression We are submerged, with merely enough of us underwater for our exposed bones to be tormented, but we're too far below the surface to stop the rising flow. Yet, we flourish to grow above the meniscus, Just for polluted people to cloud the waters into a murky soup only worthy of death.Continue reading "Poetry with Anna: Submersion"

Thoughts With Anna: Poisoned seas. Desertified land. Toxisied air. This sounds like a description of dystopia, yet it is our current reality.

Poisoned seas. Desertified land. Toxisied air. This sounds like a description of dystopia, yet it is our current reality. The science is crystal: we are in the sixth mass extinction event and it is our fault. We have a duty as homo sapiens to act in vicious love and with determination for the protection ofContinue reading "Thoughts With Anna: Poisoned seas. Desertified land. Toxisied air. This sounds like a description of dystopia, yet it is our current reality."

Thoughts With Anna: Women’s Day 2022

"Every book, every movie, every shop, is bombarding women with the absurd concept that if they dont fit into this "perfect" unattainable mould, life isn't worth living. Its exhausting." In the current world we live in, every inch of media consumed that is tailored towards women is an ambush of body image, jealousy, boyfriends andContinue reading "Thoughts With Anna: Women’s Day 2022"

Poetry With Anna: My Brain Is An Envelope

An envelope locking down on my skull,  Being sealed by anthropogenic selfishness, Stamped by anxious infectiousness. Once exhaustedly unlocked and grappled with,  The feelings are still impenetrable to me, so  I inscribe my own story to tell myself,  But the facade is too soon scratched so i must  Unfurl the truth stained pages within, TheyContinue reading "Poetry With Anna: My Brain Is An Envelope"

COP26 With Anna: Day 6 and 8

I wrote this while at COP26 and am publishing them now with no edits after the fact. I hope it gives some insight, whether that’s emotional or educational. At the time of writing, I wasn’t planning for anyone to read it so it’s not packed full of facts or quotes as my blog posts wouldContinue reading "COP26 With Anna: Day 6 and 8"

COP26 With Anna: Day 4

I wrote this while at COP26 and am publishing them now with no edits after the fact. I hope it gives some insight, whether that’s emotional or educational. At the time of writing, I wasn’t planning for anyone to read it so it’s not packed full of facts or quotes as my blog posts wouldContinue reading "COP26 With Anna: Day 4"

COP26 With Anna: Day 3

I wrote this while at COP26 and am publishing them now with no edits after the fact. I hope it gives some insight, whether that's emotional or educational. At the time of writing, I wasn't planning for anyone to read it so it's not packed full of facts or quotes as my blog posts wouldContinue reading "COP26 With Anna: Day 3"

COP26 With Anna: Day 2

I wrote this while at COP26 and am publishing them now with no edits after the fact. I hope it gives some insight, whether that's emotional or educational. At the time of writing, I wasn't planning for anyone to read it so it's not packed full of facts or quotes as my blog posts wouldContinue reading "COP26 With Anna: Day 2"

COP26 with Anna: Day 1

I wrote this while at COP26 and am publishing them now with no edits after the fact. I hope it gives some insight, whether that's emotional or educational. At the time of writing, I wasn't planning for anyone to read it so it's not packed full of facts or quotes as my blog posts wouldContinue reading "COP26 with Anna: Day 1"

COP26 With Anna: Day 5

I wrote this while at COP26 and am publishing them now with no edits after the fact. I hope it gives some insight, whether that's emotional or educational. At the time of writing, I wasn't planning for anyone to read it so it's not packed full of facts or quotes as my blog posts wouldContinue reading "COP26 With Anna: Day 5"